Zahra von Sonnentanz CGC, ORT

PennHIPP 0.31, DM Clear

Zahra is maturing very nicely, physically and mentally. Over this past year she has accomplished success at her Canine Good Citizen class and the final test, securing her AKC CGC Title. She's been learning the game of scent work, and thoroughly enjoys "finding it" with her nose. She has passed her Odor Recognition Test and will soon participate in her first Nose Work Trial. I look forward to working with her as we both continue to learn in this sport.

Her temperament is fantastic. She's confident, thoughtful, biddable, and super sweet. She knows how to behave around children, even though they visit only once in a while. She is appropriate and does not knock anyone over with her enthusiasm. She is good on leash, and is not fearful or reactive when passing the neighborhood dogs. I'm excited to see her pass on her good traits to a next generation!

Click here to see Zahra's Pedigree

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